Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

DQ 1(1)

DQ 1(1)

Q Hypothesize a set of at least three arguments as to why innovation is important to the competitiveness of nations, companies, leaders, and individual employees. Hello everyone here Argument 1: Innovation can speed up the development of a firm and nation Argument 2: Innovation is related to cooperation Argument 3: improvement can be brought in the old designs with the help of innovation

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Innovation has a power that can bring changes in nation as well as in organization. Each and every nation has sovereignty and their government is responsible for all the welfare and internal works. With the help of innovation, the quality of life will be improved for these people. The economy will be helped by innovation. A nation can earn multiple benefits only if they invest a sufficient amount in the innovation. There are economically poor countries which have earned fame due to innovation.